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Brain Maps Index JMK1997
Reference Figures 1
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Comments There is no direct description of a mapping procedure but this publication is about sub-cortical areas.
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Defined brain sites
Acronym Name Acronym Full Name Brain Sites Type Name
5M motor trigeminal nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
5P principal sensory trigeminal nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
5SM alaminar spinal trigeminal nucleus magnocellu- lar division Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
5ST spinal trigeminal tract Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
ALT adjacent lateral tegmentum Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
CN cochlear nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
CU cuneiform nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
DMPO dorsomedial nucleus of the periolivary nuclei Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
DNLL dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
FTP paralemniscal tegmental field Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
IC inferior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
ICC central nucleus of the inferior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
ICP pericentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
ICX external nucleus of the inferior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
INLL intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
LC locus coeruleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
LDTN lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
LL lateral lemniscus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
LSO lateral superior olive Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
MG medial geniculate body Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
MNTB medial nucleus of the trapezoid body Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
MSO medial superior olive Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
OTN nucleus of the optic tract Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PAG periaqueductal gray matter Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PBN parabigeminal nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PCN nucleus of the posterior commissure Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PH nucleus prepositus hypoglossi Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PL paralemniscal zone Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PON preolivary nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PPN pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PTA anterior pretectal nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PTM medial pretectal area Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
PUL pulvinar Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SAG nucleus sagulum Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SC superior colliculus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SCP superior cerebellar peduncle Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SN substantia nigra Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SNC compact division of the substantia nigra Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SNR reticular division of the substantia nigra Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
TB trapezoid body Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
VNLL ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
ZI zona incerta Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
5SP caudal parvocellular division Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
5SL laminar spinal triggeminal nucleus Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
AOL nucleus of the accessory optic tract lateral division Nucleus_SubCtx_3D
SGI stratum griseum intermediale of superior colliculus Lamina_SubCtx_3D