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Literature details:
Authors list |
Ramsay Abigail M Meredith M Alex |
Title | Multiple sensory afferents to ferret pseudosylvian sulcal cortex |
Year | 2004 |
Journal | Neuro Report |
Number Or Chapter | 15(3) |
Page Number | 61-65 |
Abstract | While the ferret cerebral cortex is being usedwith increasing fre- quency in studies of neural processing and development, little is known regarding the organization of its associational sensory and multisensory regions. Therefore, the present investigation used neuroanatomical methods to identify non-primary visual and somatosensory representations and their potential for multisen- sory convergence. Tracer injections made into V1 or SI cortex la- beled axon terminals within the pseudosylvian sulcal cortex (PSSC).These inputswere distributed according tomodality,with visual inputs identi¢edin thelateral aspects of the posteriordorsal bank, and somatosensory inputs found anterior along the dorsal bank, fundus andventralbank. Somatosensoryinputs showeda to- pographic arrangement,withinputs representing face foundmore anteriorly than those representing trunk regions. Overlap be- tween these di¡erent sensory projections occurred posteriorly in the PSSC and may represent a zone of multisensory conver- gence.These data are consistentwith thepresence of associational visual, somatosensory, and multisensory areas within the PSSC. |
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