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Acronym Name A Acronym Full Name A Relation Codes Desc Acronym Name B Acronym Full Name B Reference Text Reference Figures Citation Comments
SI somatosensory area 1 is Identical to SI somatosensory area 1 462 2 Three SI injections (two large, one small) were in the shoulder/trunk representations while two others (one large, one small) were centered on the face/vibrissa region, according to the maps of Leclerc et al. [6], McLaughlin et al. [7], and our own recording data. Edit
V1 primary visual cortex is Large than 17 primary visual cortex 462 2 The V1 injections (n¼3) were centered upon areas 17–19 and focused primarily on areas representing inferior visual space (from B+51 to 301) and from B151 ipsilateral to 351 contral- ateral, according to the maps of Manger et al. [4] Manger et al. [4] -> referes to "Architecture and callosal connections of visual areas 17, 18, 19 and 2 MIMCT2002" Edit
V1 primary visual cortex is Large than 18 second visual cortical area 462 2 The V1 injections (n¼3) were centered upon areas 17–19 and focused primarily on areas representing inferior visual space (from B+51 to 301) and from B151 ipsilateral to 351 contral- ateral, according to the maps of Manger et al. [4] Manger et al. [4] -> referes to "Architecture and callosal connections of visual areas 17, 18, 19 and 2 MIMCT2002" Edit
V1 primary visual cortex is Large than 19 third visual cortical area 462 2 The V1 injections (n¼3) were centered upon areas 17–19 and focused primarily on areas representing inferior visual space (from B+51 to 301) and from B151 ipsilateral to 351 contral- ateral, according to the maps of Manger et al. [4] Manger et al. [4] -> referes to "Architecture and callosal connections of visual areas 17, 18, 19 and 2 MIMCT2002" Edit