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Acronym Name A Acronym Full Name A Relation Codes Desc Acronym Name B Acronym Full Name B Reference Text Reference Figures Citation Comments
ICX external nucleus of the inferior colliculus is Subarea of IC inferior colliculus 344 Within the IC, the great majority of labelled neurons were found in the ICX and BIC, with very few (apporximately 5% of the total nimber of labelled IC neurons) in the ICC and ICP. Edit
BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus is Subarea of IC inferior colliculus 344 Within the IC, the great majority of labelled neurons were found in the ICX and BIC, with very few (apporximately 5% of the total nimber of labelled IC neurons) in the ICC and ICP. Edit
ICC central nucleus of the inferior colliculus is Subarea of IC inferior colliculus 344 Within the IC, the great majority of labelled neurons were found in the ICX and BIC, with very few (apporximately 5% of the total nimber of labelled IC neurons) in the ICC and ICP. Edit
ICP pericentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus is Subarea of IC inferior colliculus 344 Within the IC, the great majority of labelled neurons were found in the ICX and BIC, with very few (apporximately 5% of the total nimber of labelled IC neurons) in the ICC and ICP. Edit